Mastering The Art of Expert Witness Testimony
Bluntly stated, the strategies I present in Mastering the Art of Expert Witness Testimony will keep you from getting your ass kicked by opposing lawyers in court.
Brian Peter Brinig, expert witness and author

Mastering The Art Of Expert Witness Testimony
Mastering the Art of Expert Witness Testimony presents strategies and tactics for the expert witness in the courtroom as well as important practice management considerations supporting the forensic consultant. Competent expert witness testimony does not begin on the witness stand, it begins the minute the potential expert is contacted by a prospective client. From that moment forward, Professor Brinig enumerates important practice management techniques that underlie high-level expert witness testimony in depositions and trials.
The procedures and practices required to successfully function in this sophisticated area of litigation consulting are explicitly detailed and summarized from Brinig’s successful, forty-year career as a forensic financial expert. Mastering the Art of Expert Witness Testimony is a complete review of the procedures of the forensic consulting practice, regardless of the substantive area of one’s profession.
Understanding the case management procedures of a litigation services practice is essential to support high-level, defensible expert witness testimony. The art of this type of practice is not limited to the techniques of the expert in the courtroom; it incorporates broader strategies and tactics of practice management that make the expert’s testimony defensible and able to withstand strenuous cross-examination.
The book details the history of expert witness testimony throughout the centuries and the modern development of the law of opinion evidence. Legal privileges relating to the expert witness are addressed and the author identifies traps for the unwary in expert witness work. The book contains chapters on developing and documenting the expert opinion as well as strategies for marketing a forensic consulting practice. Mastering the Art of Expert Witness Testimony is a must read for anyone involved in—or contemplating—this exciting area of consulting.